Hey, guy!
Look at my eyes
Don't be shy
I am going to give you some advise:
If one has the chance to go back to the past and change it whenever one wishes, there will be no regrets, life can be perfect, and also meaningless. If one has the power to manage a country but misuses his influence to bribe, of course his money wise would be perfect but the practicality is meaningless.
Bribery----an action that one takes money which is not belong to him. The amount of money can be a big amount or just a small amount. These cases are happening in any places and also all countries. The one who takes this action always is the one who has power, like the government.
Government----the protector of nation, the leader of one's country. They should be trusty and responsible. People's benefits is always the priority. But some of the government officers don't think so. They always remain their benefits before coming to a conclusion. To gain wealth, they are planning to get the money "by hookily or by crookily". The ugliest side of them----GREEDY.
People are always the victims. Anywhere, we can prevent it. Leader is the one chosen by people. Mahatma Gandhi wrote:"Because I am their leader. I must follow them." If the leader cannot follow, we have the chance to change the outcome.
Choose a leader who can listen to your heart, lead the country. The eudomon, sacrifice for nation, really for nation and not for himself. The eudemon, spend his time for others, really for others and not for himself. The eudemon, burn himself to give light and warm to us, really for us and not for himself. So, let the eudemon be your leader. Vote, as you are wise; ballot against those, as you are right.
Shhh...... Listen to your heart. Bloody smell concealed in these policy ocean swish into the depth of you heart. Have you discovered it? Smelly, disgusting? All of us are meats for the sarcophilous sharks. If you want to survive, perish them.
by the soul which is unwilling to surrender