星期六, 八月 25, 2012

For Luna Tee

才不介意妳又忽略我 眼睛忙著儲存妳笑容
妳身邊那麼多愛妳的朋友 我哪會遺憾什麼

只在乎妳偶爾的沉默 耳朵聽見有暗潮洶湧
有沒有什麼心事要對我說 我已等候那麼久

快樂時妳不用分心想起我 難過時請一定記得聯絡我
讓我分享妳的苦 帶走妳的憂愁 我覺得這樣 也算擁有

只在乎妳偶爾的沉默 耳朵聽見有暗潮洶湧
有沒有什麼心事要對我說 我已等候那麼久

快樂時妳不用分心想起我 難過時請一定記得聯絡我
讓我分享妳的苦 帶走妳的憂愁 我就擁有妳 一些些什麼

快樂時妳不用分心想起我 難過時請一定記得聯絡我
讓我分享妳的苦 帶走妳的憂愁 我只求這樣 把妳擁有

星期五, 八月 24, 2012

Evil v.s. goodness

Evil, Satan's personification. Just like the beast in cage, having bad manners while having bad ideas. It swallows your pure heart, little by little. At last, it explodes like a volcano. You are the one who sinks into lava, suffers the consequences. But, all of these will be nutrient one day. The past will be gone and there is another beginning to start one's new life if one knows the wrongdoings. Niceness comes after storm, goodness comes after faults. Confucius said, "Man at birth is fundamentally good in nature.", goodness is living with you since you are born. So, why do you hide it? 

Goodness is not only depending on donating a lot of money but it is shown when one is really willing to help who's really in need.

Truth, goodness and beauty
The conditions that this world need
Make these as your priority
When you are doing something.