星期一, 九月 24, 2012


It's a life, with loud heart-beating, breathing lively, hope and expect to born to this world, to take his first breath of oxygen. While he is inhaling the first breath of oxygen, it has started----- The Real Life, just like climbing.

He moves the first step as the starting point. Once he steps across, can only look forward. No turning back, no reversing. He is at the foot of mountain. Big and safe space. With his family members, he moves smoothly and gracefully. His family members especially his parents always give him the helping hands, teach him how to move steadily. Even he falls, they always there, encourage him to keep on moving. Soon, he reaches waist of the mountain.

Now, he can move more stable. He advances bravely. His parents try to urge to stay but he is deaf to the warns. He keeps on moving forward until he has lost his way. Luckily, he meets a group of people, act as a compass, to guide and lead him to the right path. Sometimes, it is a rainy day. It is hard to take the steps and he is exhausted. He stops and rests.

While he is climbing higher, the road is narrower. He moves carefully. He is hurt, but he takes his adventure. He tries harder and he never gives up. Keep on climbing, keep his faith until he discovers..........

The beauty of his faith. The UNSINKABLE FAITH.

星期四, 九月 20, 2012

Schoolmates ≠ Friends


這句話 震撼到我了
那答案 我沒想過 甚至是說不敢去尋找
但 心底很清楚地知道 那答案究竟是什麽

成長中的每一個階段 交的朋友一直在換臉孔
而是 總有那麼幾個在那一個時期特別談得來
之後 又換了
又是另一群 結果 又是另一群……另一群……另一群…………

“這一輩子 不可能找到一個能永遠真心交談的。”


要哭的 在學校也哭完了
要說的 在學校也說完了

我們真的疏遠了 真的……

結果 回到家
聽到那一首歌 我又哭了
真的 感動了

朋友 不是沒有
只是 真心相守的沒幾個。

偶爾 一個微笑 一個擁抱
很催淚 因為那一顆真心真的累了

謝謝你 至少讓我覺得真的 擁有。

星期一, 九月 17, 2012

Is it a banned word?

Sun rises, sun sets; rain falls, rain stops; one borns, and also the one is gone. Death, it is an ordinary word and it is also a situation when someone leaves and disappears from this world. Seperated in life and death comes in nature but someone blames it sometimes. They call death as a banned word especially the ages. They told the youngs and advised them not to speak it out often. Gradually, a banned word is not only a word anymore, it becomes a frame of mind. It makes us afraid and cowardice in front of the end of our life. We are afraid to leave this world with nothing but all of us forget the most important thing-------we actually come from nothing without memories and we should leave with nothing and back to the initial, I called it heaven.